Commands for scanner devices SEND command (scanner) Parameters for scanner devices

15.2.7 SET WINDOW command

The SET WINDOW command (see table 292) provides a means for the initiator to specify one or more windows within the scanning range of the device.

Table 292 - SET WINDOW command

|  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
|Byte |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| 0   |                           Operation code (24H)                        |
| 1   | Logical unit number      |                  Reserved                  |
| 2   |                           Reserved                                    |
| 3   |                           Reserved                                    |
| 4   |                           Reserved                                    |
| 5   |                           Reserved                                    |
| 6   | (MSB)                                                                 |
|---------                                                                 ---|
| 7   |                           Transfer length                             |
|---------                                                                 ---|
| 8   |                                                                 (LSB) |
| 9   |                           Control                                     |
The transfer length specifies the length, in bytes, of the data that shall be sent during the DATA OUT phase. A transfer length of zero indicates that no window parameters data shall be transferred. This condition shall not be considered an error.

The window parameters data shall consist of a header followed by one or more window descriptors. Each window descriptor specifies the location, size, and scanning method used for a window.

The set window data header is defined in table 293.

Table 293 - Set window data header

|  Bit|   7    |   6    |   5    |   4    |   3    |   2    |   1    |   0    |
|Byte |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
| 0   |                           Reserved                                    |
| 1   |                           Reserved                                    |
| 2   |                           Reserved                                    |
| 3   |                           Reserved                                    |
| 4   |                           Reserved                                    |
| 5   |                           Reserved                                    |
| 6   | (MSB)                                                                 |
|---------                        Window descriptor length                 ---|
| 7   |                                                                 (LSB) |
The window descriptor length specifies the length, in bytes, of a single window descriptor. Each descriptor shall be of equal length. The first 48 bytes are defined in this International Standard and the remaining bytes in each descriptor are vendor-specific.

See table 282 for the definition of a window descriptor.